Creating an upsell page

When a customer has completed his or her order, you have the option to forward him/her to a so-called upsell page. Here the customer is given the opportunity to purchase another product, which works great to increase the average order value.

To create an upsell page, go to Shop > Upsells and click on "Create upsell page". Now give the upsell page a name.

After you've done this, there are a couple of settings you can change.

As the name suggests, here you can change some general settings of the upsell page, such as the name, status, title and description that are displayed in the header of the page.

At "Layout" you can adjust the design of the page to your own liking. Think of the colors, the moment when the order button is displayed, etc.

Expiry moment
Optionally, you can set an expiration time for this upsell. When you activate this option you can indicate how long after the original purchase the upsell offer is valid and whether a countdown should be shown on the upsell page.

Here you add one or more product(s) that are offered on this upsell page.

At the top right of the screen you will find the "Editor" button. By clicking on this you can adjust the content of the page as you wish and, for example, add a video and/or text.

Finally, it is time to add the upsell page to one or more checkout page(s). You can read how you can do that
in this article about creating your checkout page.